Master’s Relay Meet plus Training Day
SWIM IRELAND MASTERS are proud to present a Master’s Relay Meet plus Training Day to be held on Saturday 30th April 2016.
The event will be held during the downtime of the Swim Ireland National Long Course Championships in the National Aquatic Centre between approximately 12.30 (registration at 12 noon) and 3.45pm (depending on the times of the SI gala). Swim Ireland are facilitating the use of the pool to Master swimmers and without this assistance it would not be possible to run the event.
This event will give Club teams a great opportunity to practise relay racing and/or set Provincial and National relay records and will give individuals the opportunity to train in a Long Course session.
The event is open to ALL current registered Masters Swimmers. You do not have to compete as part of a relay team to partake in the training session or novelty relay.
The relay events are for Men, Ladies and Mixed teams; 4 X 50m Medley (max. 2 heats, 20 teams), 4 X 50m Freestyle (max. 2 heats, 20 teams) and 4 X 200m Freestyle (max. 1 heat, 10 teams). The novelty relay will be open to all individual entrants and teams will be drawn by lots.
A draft programme of the relays and training session is attached.
Age groups for relays:- 76 – 99 years, 100 – 119 years, 120 – 159 years, 160 – 199 years etc. and upwards in 40 year intervals. Age at 31st December and all competitors must be 19 years or over on the day of the swim and must be a current member of an affiliated club.
The early bird entry fee is €5.00 per individual and the closing date for receipt of entries is Thursday 21st April 2016. Relay team entries are free of charge but all relay participants must submit an individual entry by Thursday 21st April 2016 to avail of the early bird fee.
We don’t need payment up front but we do need to know if you are attending and entering teams so we need your entry forms before 21st April. DON’T send payment but pay on the day.
Late entries for Individuals for the training session will be accepted on the day but at an increased fee of €6.00.
All entries are to be sent to:
Relay Gala Organiser,
Declan Harte,
11, Temple View Downs,
Clare Hall,
Dublin, 13
Master’s Relay Meet plus Training Day
Saturday 30th April 2016, National Aquatic Centre, Dublin
12.00Registration and payment (Concourse upstairs)
12.30 Organised warm-up
12.50 4 X 50m medley relays (2 heats)
13.10 Organised swim-down cum training set
13.40 4 X 50m freestyle relays (2 heats)
14.00 Organised swim-down cum training set
14.30 4 X 200m freestyle relays (1 heat)
15.00Organised swim-down cum training set
15.30? X 50m novelty freestyle relay
The organised training sets will be led by a guest coach (TBC).
There will be no medals issued but Irish and Regional relay records can be claimed.
The novelty relay will be open to all individual entrants and teams will be drawn by lots.